2024/2025 is FULL!
Thank you!!
Many changes this year - Please refresh pages!
(or you may see last year's lesson choices.)
I've added a 2024/2025 icon to the "lessons for grade x" pages.
If you see this at the top, you're good to go!!

(You'll still want to refresh individual lessons pages to make sure!)
YIKES! Server Migration still happening soon(ish)!
They say it will be seamless. I am preparing to have issues.
This website and/or my email address may stop working temporarily.
If you have a booking this year, please save my alternate email address, just in case.
You may also receive email from me at this address, if I temporarily lose access to my main email account.
New lessons!

here to see
sorted by
Fees for the 2024/2025 school
year will be:
$196 per session plus $9.80 GST.
(I only do Surrey/White Rock & Delta Districts).
The fees
including GST
work out to
$205.80 per class
The invoice total for a day
of 3 sessions will be $617.40
(I believe your school can apply to get back a portion of the tax.)
Partial days are only accepted as part of a larger booking.
* I will need to use your projector (or perhaps a borrowed one) in each classroom.
I can use your DocCam or mine.
(I can connect my DocCam via HDMI, Screen Mirroring, DVI or VGA inputs.)
* 3 classes can do art sessions on one day.
* Any lessons can be combined on the same day.
You don't all need to choose the same lesson or medium!
The fine print.
Please note:
Normal class sizes ONLY please. No double classes or added students.
Maximum number of students is 30.
If your class has more than 30 students, please contact me.
In the event of school closures,
dangerous weather, or
Artist Illness, I will make every attempt to reschedule
but, as there are sometimes few available dates, the booking may have to be canceled.
Try the free online lessons with your class (links at the top of this page)!
I'd love to hear about & see the results!