Island Reflection Copyright Joanne Howard 2020Island

Colouring Steps

Colour some random black blobs & wiggles on your island, close to your rocks but not on top of them!

Remember, every blob & wiggle has a matching upside-down blob & wiggle. Something like this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Start adding dark green wiggles (bushes) that smoosh into your black blobs & wiggles!
(Stay off those rocks!)
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Keep going! Don't forget your reflection wiggles!

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

A few more!  Do the reflection wiggles, too.

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Start wiggling up for the sunny tops of the bushes! (These  go right on top of the pale blue part you coloured.)
Do the reflection!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

It should look like this:

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Add more sunny bushes! Do the reflection! 

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Like this:
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

(or medium green)

Add some tall grass! Add Reflections!

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Like this:
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

SUPER SUNNY bits! (If you want.) 
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Bushes look like this:
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Your artwork should now look something like this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020Pretty Awesome!

(You know I LOVE ROCKS!)


Draw a black line between the two rocks and add a curved line around the rock and it's reflection but only half way! Leave an empty part for the shine!
Island Rock Detail
Like this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Do it again on the next rock!

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Yup! Again.

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Same thing
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Keep going! Add a line on the beach.
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Do the rest of the rocks!

Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

WHITE! (or gray)
Fill in the rocks starting on the black side and swooshing to the light side! It will blend the black into the white and make the rocks grayish.
Island Rock Detail
Like this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Keep filling in rocks!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Like this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

And this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Add a beach! Don't forget the beach reflection.
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Keep going
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Last rock!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Add a white stripe to the horizon line on each side of the island!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020

Like this!
Island Reflection Steps_JH2020OOOOOOOooooooo! Nice!
                               Start the trees!

Drawing  1  2  3      Colouring  1  2  3         Next Page!
