Find the eyeball location. It's mostly under the front ear and above the center of the paper. (use the grid!)
Draw the eyeball! It's got 3 football shapes with a small circle at the top of the smallest football. (the sparkle!)

Add the Muzzle "M" and draw a wonky raindrop nostril!
Drawing VERY lightly, add the back of the neck. It's mostly straight with little curve at the bottom.
Otherwise this line will show through your colours.
It looks really ugly. Ick.

Add a curved line for the other side of your Zebra's body. You should make this line extra light, if you are going to use lighter colours for this part.

Draw the AWESOME FLOOFY mane!
VERY VERY lightly!
This line will show if it's dark.

Add a light sqiggly line under the front ear.
Draw stripes on the mane! Notice they are in sets of two. Skinny, fat, skinny, fat and so on.
Don't worry about how many stripes there are.

Now we start the Zebra Stripe Pattern!
Draw three super skinny "double-stripes" from the Muzzle up the face and back down. Each one gets longer.
The last one touches the mane!
Otherwise these lines will show through your colours.

adding double stripes under the ears. When you get to the back of the
eyeball keep going down the face with a curvy stripe.
Remember to DRAW LIGHTLY.